Friday, January 28, 2011


Below is a copy of the FOI letter Team Ace (Myself, Ryan Arens and Emily White) sent to  UF Housing regarding GatorSpace.
January 28, 2010

Pursuant to the Public Records Act, Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, I am writing to request all records pertaining to the budget for and expenses incurred as part of the development, launch, marketing or maintenance of “GatorSpace” ( This includes payroll records for those primarily employed in the development, launch, marketing or maintenance of the site.

This request includes copies of every document related to the matter, regardless of the format in which the information is stored.

If you refuse to provide this information, Chapter 119 requires you advise me in writing and indicate the applicable exemption to the Public Records Act. Also, please state with particularity the reasons for your decision, as required by Section 119.07(2)(a). If the exemption you are claiming only applies to a portion of the records, please delete that portion and provide photocopies of the remainder of the records, according to Section 119.07(2)(a).

I agree to pay the actual cost of duplication (up to $15.00) as defined in Section 119.07(1)(a). However, if you anticipate that in order to satisfy this request, "extensive use" of information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance as defined in Section 119.07(1)(b) will be required, please provide a written estimate and justification.

I request these records be available by February 18, 2011. If you have any questions or need more information in order to expedite this request, please call me at 407-376-7888.

Emily Blake
807 W. Panhellenic Drive
Gainesville, FL  32601

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. Send it on and let's see what we hear back.
